Senior Portraits – due November 19th:
Direct Link to Upload Senior Portrait:
User ID number is: 447305965
Senior Portrait Specifications for East Ridge High School Yearbook 2024-25
Requirements: Senior portraits that do not meet yearbook specifications or are submitted after deadline date will not be published. We have a set policy regarding the submission of senior pictures:
- JPEG (.jpg) digital image format is required. Please do NOT submit PNG or TIFF files. This is very important!
- 300 DPI or higher for “actual size” of photo—approximately 2.5 horizontal X 3.5 vertical inches. We need high resolution image files for printing purposes. Photos that do not meet this quality may not be printed in the book.
- Photo file must be labeled in the format LastName_FirstName
- Photo must be in portrait or vertical orientation--not horizontal.
- All pictures must be submitted in full color. No sepia or black-and-white photos.
- Pictures need to be head and shoulders only. No hands and no full- or partial-body poses.
- Have your photographer leave enough space around your face to allow for the yearbook staff to feature you at your best within the design. Please sit straight—no dramatic angles.
- Please avoid pictures with “soft focus” as they appear blurred upon reproduction.
- Appropriate attire only will be accepted. No hats, hoods, pets, musical instruments, or props.
- The yearbook staff has the right to request a different photograph if the above guidelines are not met.
Seniors may select the photographer of their choice provided the yearbook portrait photograph conforms to the above standards and the photograph is received on/or before November 19, 2024.
We suggest that you contact a photographer as early as possible to set up an appointment to ensure that you meet the November 19th deadline. Students who do not submit a senior portrait will have their JostensPix school portrait included by default. Please get your JostensPix portrait taken in case you do not submit a different senior picture in time – otherwise we may not have a photo of you in the book.
Senior Portrait Upload Directions:
- Visit
- Choose the photo to be uploaded. Each student may only submit ONE photo.
- Provide parent or photographer contact information. (Person uploading the photo should enter their information.)
- Provide IMAGE information:
- *It is extremely important to type the student’s first and last name correctly.*
- Select grade 12 from the drop-down menu
- In the description field, type: Senior Portrait
- Click the box to agree to terms and conditions
- Click on “upload chosen images” in gray box to complete the process
- You will see a confirmation page and should receive a confirmation email shortly after your submission of the photo.
All questions should be addressed to ERHS Yearbook Adviser, Andrew Nagahashi
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!